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Top-Grade Products for Your Stormwater Needs

For high quality stormwater pretreatment devices, turn to The Stormwater Project. Aside from being cost-effective, our products can be installed and maintained easily.

Our Products

TSP Drywell Insert

Our flagship stormwater drywell insert was designed to bring slotted lid drywells up to code with the State of Oregon's Underground Injection Control Rules. It’s a simple fix to remove sediment, hydrocarbons, and other contaminants before injecting stormwater into the subsurface. No digging and asphalt replacement is required. It even takes only five minutes to install.

TSP Hooded Outlet

The TSP Hooded Outlet transforms a wide variety of stormwater catch basin structures into an oil, water, and sediment separator. It can be installed in less than five minutes as well even without removing water in the basin before installing. This device is cost-effective. It also meets state and federal requirements, as well as protects the environment.

Drill Hole Guard

These sump-equipped stormwater drill holes provide a solution while meeting the standards of the Department of Environmental Quality’s Best Management Practices (DEQ BMP). Similar to all of our products, the drill hole guard can also be installed in less than five minutes.

TSP Manhole Insert

The same design as our drywell insert, the TSP Manhole Insert is an excellent retrofit for existing stormwater manholes. It removes contaminants and cut down on maintenance costs.

Contact Us

Are you interested in our products? Don’t hesitate to call us for more information about their prices.